Society for Free Radical Research - Europe


SFRRE Summer school in Spetses

Organisers: Niki Chondrogianni

Location: Spetses, Greece

Dates: 30 Sept - 6 Oct 2024


6th International AHR Meeting: Research, Prevention, Therapy

12-15 June 2024

Clayton Hotel Düseldorf, Germany

Travel grants awardees photo

Abstracts and program

Meeting report

UK Redox Network Meeting 2024

Date: Wednesday 17th April, 2024

Venue: Gordon Museum. King’s College London

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Genoa (Italy) October 10-12, 2024

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11th International Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin Biology and Medicine

Organisers: Michail Rallis, Aspasia Petri, Eleni Alexandratou, Niki Chondrogianni

Location: Andros Island, Greece

Dates: September 12-15, 2024

Web site

Thiol-Based Redox Regulation and Signaling Gordon Research Seminar

Organisers: Lisa Knoke and Uladzimir Barayeu

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Dates: 13-14 July 2024

Web Site

6th International Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) Meeting 2024

Organisers: Charlotte Esser, Thomas Haarmann-Stemmann

Location: Düsseldorf, Germany

Dates: 12-15 June 2024

Web Site

16th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants

Organisers: Pierre Frendo

Location: Antibes, France

Dates: 29-31 May 2024

Web Site

SFRRE Report - Support for Festschrift to honour Prof José Viña

8th November 2023

Ferrero Foundation

Alba, Italy

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Workshop Redox Nutrition and Toxicology

Organisers: Cesar G. Fraga, Pablo Evelson, Monica Galleano, Silvia Alvarez

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dates: 12-14 November 2023


Effects of anti-aging redox medicine on health and lifespan

Organisers: Giuseppe Poli, Enrique cadenas, Giovanni Mann

Location: Alba, Italy

Dates: 7-9 November 2023

12th International Human Peroxidase Meeting

Organisers: Miklós Geiszt, Gábor Sirokmány

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Dates: 30 Aug - 2 Sept 2023


HNE Club Satellite Symposium to SFFR-E Meeting 2023

June 9th 2023

Vienna, Austria

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Location: Vienna, Austria

Dates: 09 June, 2023

Redox Medicine Workshop - from cellular signaling to systems physiology and therapeutic

Organisers: Ana Ledo, Barbara Rocha

Location: Luso, Portugal

Dates: 22-25 May 2023


11th Meeting of the Canadian Oxidative Stress Consortium

Organisers: Diana Averill-Bates, Charles Ramassamy

Location: Montreal, Canada

Dates: 10-12 May 2023


Nitric Oxide (GRS) Gordon Research Seminar

Organisers: Katie Lawber, Palmieri, Erika Mariana

Location: Ventura, CA, United States

Dates: 11-12 Feb 2023


Biennial meeting of SFRR-I held with SfRBM

Organisers: Francisco Laurindo and Rafael Radi

Location: Punta del Esta, Uruguay

Dates: 15-18 November 2023

2018 SFRRE Summer school in Spetses

Organisers: Niki Chondrogianni

Location: Spetses, Greece

Dates: 17-23 September, 2018

Redox-omic Technologies and their Application in Health and Disease

2016 SFRRE Summer school in Spetses

Organisers: Niki Chondrogianni

Location: Spetses, Greece

Dates: 19-25 September, 2016

Final programme

10th International Conference on the Biology, Chemistry and Therapeutic Applications of Nitric Oxide

Location: Oxford, UK

Dates: 16-20 September 2018

Gordon Research Conference on Thiol-Based Redox Regulation and Signaling

Location: Castelldefels, Spain

Dates: July 15-20, 2018

Meeting Summary

Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on NADPH Oxidases 2018

Location: Les Diablerets, Switzerland

Dates: May 27-June 1, 2018

Short Report

2018 Gordon Researc Conference on Oxygen Radicals

Location: Ventura, CA, USA

Dates: February 4-9, 2018

Meeting Programme

2017 Gordon Research Conference on Oxidative Stress and Disease

Location: Lucca (Barga), Italy

Dates: March 19th-24th, 2017

Meeting Report

HNE Esterbauer Meeting

Location: Graz, Austria

Dates: September 14th-15th, 2017

Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRR-I) Biennial Meeting and 23rd Annual meeting of the Society for Radical Biology and Medicine (SFRBM)

Location: San Francisco, California, USA

Dates: November 16-20, 2016

XI Meeting of the Spanish Group for Free Radical Research

Location: Granada, Spain

Dates: September 13-14, 2016


women in science

Why are there so few women in science?

Women researchers by country
Underrepresentation of women in STEM
Underrepresentation of women as Faculty Members
Journals invite less women to referee
Elite male faculty in life sciences employ fewer women


The Society for Free Radical Research - Europe (SFRR-E) is dedicated to promoting interest in all aspects of research related to Free Radicals in any scientific field.


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