Dear colleagues,
In today's newsletter, we will announce November's webinar, the new edition of our PhD symposium and the opening of the call for new ECR subcommittee members. We will also share with you a summary of October’s webinar and the winners of the YIA of the Spetses Redox Summer School. At the end of the newsletter, as always, you can also find a collection of upcoming events with important deadlines, some suggestions of interesting redox reads recently published, open call for papers and job opportunities for young redox researchers.
Next Webinar series “Emerging leaders in redox biology”
Our next webinar will be on 5th November 2024 at 15:00 CET on the topic “Redox in Photosynthetic organisms” featuring Sophie Hendrix and Libero Gurrieri.
Glutathione peroxidase-like 8 (GPXL8): A new player in hydrogen peroxide signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana?
Sophie Hendrix, PhD
Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
In 2019, Sophie Hendrix obtained her PhD in Biology from Hasselt University (Belgium) under the supervision of Prof. Ann Cuypers. Her doctoral research focused on plant responses to cadmium stress with a particular emphasis on cell cycle regulation and the DNA damage response. Following her PhD, she was awarded an EMBO short-term fellowship to work in the lab of Prof. Andreas Meyer at the University of Bonn (Germany), where she gained experience with genetically-encoded biosensors to study redox dynamics in cadmium-exposed plants. In 2020, she obtained an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship to continue her research at the University of Bonn. During her postdoc, she studied molecular plant responses to heat stress and investigated the involvement of plant glutathione peroxidase-like proteins in redox signalling. She then moved back to Hasselt University, where she continued her postdoctoral work with an SFRR-E Early Career Researcher fellowship. In 2023, she was appointed as an assistant professor at the Centre for Environmental Sciences of Hasselt University. Her current work focuses on dissecting molecular plant responses to combined stress conditions, using Arabidopsis as a model system. Furthermore, she aims to further elucidate the functions of plant glutathione peroxidase-like proteins in plant stress responses.
Redox control of starch degradation interlaces glutathione, thioredoxins and guard cell function
Libero Gurrieri, PhD
Molecular Plant Physiology Lab, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Italy
Libero obtained his PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Bologna in 2019. He is currently a junior researcher at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (University of Bologna, Italy) in the Molecular Plant Physiology Lab, where he held two postdoctoral positions, while he was lecturer at the University of Ferrara (Italy). Libero is investigating the role of post-translational redox modifications on plant enzymes involved in primary carbon metabolism. To gain insight into the basis of redox regulation, his comprehensive approach goes from the protein to the atom, thanks to many collaborations with structural scientists, then validating in plants the in vitro results. He started focusing on how thiol switches control the Calvin-Benson cycle, and recently he is exploring how glutathione-based modifications can modulate starch metabolism. Starch is a primary source of carbon in plants and plays an increasingly important role in gas exchange, providing carbon skeletons and energy to open stomata pores on the leaf surface.
Second Edition of the PhD Redox Relay Online Symposium - SAVE THE DATE! 19th November 2024 at 15:00 CET
It’s our pleasure to present to you the second edition of our PhD Symposium!
For this edition six enthusiastic PhD students will present their work:
1. Roberto Meneses-Valdés, University of Copenhagen
2. Marta Arnal, University of Valencia
3. Martina Ciarnelli, University of Foggia
4. Abril Gorgori, University of Valencia
5. Javier Huete, University of Valencia
6. Danny Schilling, German Cancer Research Center
The PhD symposium will take place online on the 19th November 2024 at 15:00 CET. Please mark that in your calendars!
A detailed newsletter with all the PhD symposium and speakers information will follow, stay tuned!
New ECR subcommittee members - call now open!
If you are less than 40 years old and/or you have discussed your PhD thesis less than 10 years ago and you would like to contribute to the redox ECR community, we have great news for you! We are looking for new members for our ECR subcommittee!
The call is now open until the 29th November 2024.
You can apply by filling out this form:
October’s webinar:
On October’s webinar we enjoyed an insightful talk on the topic “Peer review process” by Mike Davies:
Insights into the peer review and publication of scientific papers
Mike Davies, Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
In October’s webinar, Prof. Michael Davies shared with us his editorial long-lasting trajectory and leading role in the main journals in the field of Redox Biology. In particular, he gave highly valuable insights on the peer review process, the independent evaluation of research papers by experts in the field before publishing. We all, as scientists, will be involved in this process as authors or as evaluators! Some of the main editors´ tasks include the assessment of the suitability of a manuscript for the journal, the identification of potential reviewers and the decision-making on manuscript consideration, while some reviewers’ commitments are to prove fair and timely commentaries on new potential manuscripts within their area of expertise. Of note, Prof. Davies valued the importance of this process to get an advanced version of research work as well as acknowledged and encouraged all scientists to get involved in this system, including early career researchers.
Spetses Redox Summer School 2024 - Young Investigator Awards
We would like to highlight the three young researchers that got a SFRR-E Young Investigator Award for their great presentations at the Spetses Redox Summer School 2024: Anne Sophie Scheller (Germany), Felix Schmidt (Germany) and Karoline Scholzen (Sweden). Congratulations to all the awardees!!
More information about the ECR Subcommittee can be found on the SFRR-E website (ECR Committee), while regular updates can be found on Twitter (@SFRR_Europe), Instagram (@sfrr_ecr) and LinkedIn (SFRR-E). For any question or suggestion you might have, you can contact us via email:
Hope to see you online for our next Webinar Series appointment,
The ECR subcommittee
Upcoming events:
SfRBM 2024 Conference
- 31st Annual Conference
- 20 - 23 November 2024
- Location: Savannah, Georgia, USA
- Deadlines:
- Abstract and Awards Deadline: already closed
- Early Registration Deadline: 15 October 2024
- Further information:
22nd SFRRI Biennial Meeting
- The New Era of Redox Biology: from Basic Biochemistry to Redox Omics
- 3 - 6 June 2025
- Location: Galway, Ireland
- Deadlines:
- Travel Grant Applications: 10 January 2025
- Abstract Submission: 10 February 2025
- Early Bird Registration: 31 March 2025
- Further information:
Interesting Redox Papers:
Keeney, M.T., Rocha, E.M., Hoffman, E.K., et al. LRRK2 regulates production of reactive oxygen species in cell and animal models of Parkinson’s disease. Sci Transl Med (2024).
Zheng, H., Chen, H., Cai, Y., et al. Hydrogen sulfide-mediated persulfidation regulates homocysteine metabolism and enhances ferroptosis in non-small cell lung cancer. Mol Cell (2024).
Katopodi, V., Marino, A., Pateraki, N., et al. The long non-coding RNA ROSALIND protects the mitochondrial translational machinery from oxidative damage. Cell Death Differ (2024).
Wang, S., Liu, M., Hu, D., et al. Control of DNA demethylation by superoxide anion in plant stem cells. Nat Chem Biol (2024).
Liang, F., Zandkarimi, F., Lee, J., et al. OPA1 promotes ferroptosis by augmenting mitochondrial ROS and suppressing an integrated stress response. Mol Cell (2024).
Ersoy, U., Altinpinar, A.E., Kanakis, I., et al. Lifelong dietary protein restriction induces denervation and skeletal muscle atrophy in mice. Free Radic Biol Med (2024).
Qiao, Z., Nguyen, L.C., Yang, D., et al. Direct inhibition of tumor hypoxia response with synthetic transcriptional repressors. Nat Chem Biol (2024).
Bian, Y., Shan, G., Guoshu, B. Targeting ALDH1A1 to enhance the efficacy of KRAS-targeted therapy through ferroptosis. Redox Biol (2024).
Insightful Redox Reviews:
Decker, S.T. & Funai, K. Mitochondrial membrane lipids in the regulation of bioenergetic flux. Cell Metab (2024).
Donato, L., Mordà, D., Scimone, C., et al. From powerhouse to regulator: The role of mitoepigenetics in mitochondrion-related cellular functions and human diseases. Free Radic Biol Med (2024).
Meneses-Valdés, R., Gallero, S., Henríquez-Olguín, C. & Jensen, T.E. Exploring NADPH oxidases 2 and 4 in cardiac and skeletal muscle adaptations – A cross-tissue comparison. Free Radic Biol Med (2024).
Vilas-Boas, E.A. & Kowaltowski, A.J. Mitochondrial redox state, bioenergetics, and calcium transport in caloric restriction: A metabolic nexus. Free Radic Biol Med (2024).
Margaritelis, N.V., Cobley, J.N., Nastos, G.G., et al. Evidence-based sports supplements: A redox analysis. Free Radic Biol Med (2024).
Lastest Redox Preprints:
Hecht, F., Zocchi, M., Tuttle, E.T., et al. Catabolism of extracellular glutathione supplies amino acids to support tumor growth. BioRxiv (2024).
Cobley, J.N., Noble, A. & Guille, M. Cleland immunoblotting unmasks unexpected cysteine redox proteoforms. BioRxiv (2024).
Vorhauser, J., Roumeliotis, T. I., Leung, J. K., et al. Cell cycle-dependent S-sulfenyl proteomics uncover a redox switch in p21-CDK feedback governing the proliferation-senescence decision. BioRxiv (2024).
Moss, D. Y., Brown, C., Shaw, A., et al. Mitochondrial metabolism is a key determinant of chemotherapy sensitivity in Colorectal Cancer. BioRxiv (2024).
Rothemann, R.A., Pavlenko, E., Mondal, E., et al. Interaction with AK2A links AIFM1 to cellular energy metabolism. BioRxiv (2024).
Call for papers:
Journal: Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Special Issue: Redox medicine: Translation of Basic science to the Clinic
- Submission deadline: 1 March 2025
- More information:
Redox Job Opportunities:
If there’s an open position in your lab for early career researchers and you would like to advertise it in our newsletter, just write us an email (
• Kind of position: (PhD student, Postdoc, etc)
• Research topic
• Institute/University
• Deadline
• Contact information
• Further information about the position (if any)